Ángel Bonet

Expert in Growth and Social Impact.

“Talent makes you stand out, the heart makes you transcend”

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Selected as one of “The 40 best futurists in Spain”.

Grow with purpose

Tips for leading the companies we need in the future.

Companies that grow with soul

The greatest challenges facing Humanity at this moment in our history are the sustainability and regeneration of the planet, social inequality and the impact at all levels of the technological revolution. Companies, from the smallest to large multinationals, can and should contribute to successfully overcome them. Their role is essential because they possess the strength, creativity and flexibility that other organizations lack.

We all know that our economic model has provided us with spectacular progress in the last 200 years, but it has also left us with unsustainable social inequality and environmental degradation. And, for this reason, the model has to evolve, towards a more conscious economy, with companies that, in addition to economic performance, measure their social impact and put their purpose to LP before economic performance to CP.

The technological tsunami

The technological tsunami has only just begun. This book is my reflection on how technologies are generating the greatest economic and social change in recent centuries. A true revolution that is going to change everything: the way we work, do business, and even relate to each other. Are you ready to surf it?
Reviews:It offers us a dose of reality that makes us reflect on how we are managing our companies. I loved it.’
El tsunami tecnológico

We have to create companies that measure their social and environmental impact

I participated in #DesayunoCanalCEO to talk about how companies are the main agents of change to balance social, economic and environmental inequality on the planet.

Press Room

¿Están las empresas sin alma condenadas a desaparecer?

Un libro defiende que aquellas compañías sin un propósito que tenga un impacto positivo en la sociedad tendrán muchas más dificultades para atraer clientes, empleados y cumplir la ley

Empresas con alma, una nueva forma de entender el crecimiento económico responsable

Las bases del nuevo libro de Ángel Bonet

Ángel Bonet: “Es urgente transformar la cultura empresarial actual hacia una economía del propósito”

Espacio de debate sobre la agenda 2030 creado por Redeia.
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