Hacía tiempo que no había tenido una semana con tan buenas noticias. Primero el dato del paro, que baja por tercer mes consecutivo, al caer en mayo en 98.265 personas, lo que supone el mayor descenso en este mes en la serie histórica, según los datos publicados por Ministerio de Empleo y Seguridad Social. Después estuve con el Director General de Bercklee Valencia, la prestigiosa escuela de música Americana que ha abierto su primer centro para Europa en nuestro país!( http://berkleevalencia.org) con gran éxito de convocatorio y alumnos.
Y Finalmente, acudí a la invitación que me hizo el Instituto de Empresa del “Venture Netwok Social”, donde pude comprobar que hay un gran número de emprendedores que se están movilizando. El formato, es muy americano, y fresco, cada jueves 3 emprendedores presentan en 7 minutos, sus proyectos, frente a posible inversores, y todo en Inglés! http://entrepreneurship.blogs.ie.edu/2013/06/05/ie-venture-network-social-6-june/
En ningún caso se respiraba un ambiente de crisis o penuria, todo lo contrario, adrenalina, optimismo, y ganas de comerse un mundo cada vez más global y dinámico.
Sin duda las cosas están cambiando y más que van a cambiar. Y para muestra nuestros vecinos de Reino Unido, que además de tener un ministro de sociedad civil, quieren liderar en Europa, esta nueva línea de actuación y pensamiento, donde la clase política, trabaja de forma coordina y 100% a la sociedad, sino leer el plan del gobierno inglés, el cual van a presentar en el G8 en unas semanas.
Copio íntegra la carta del Minister for Civil Society, Nick Hurd, sobre él informe realizado sobre
“Growing the social investment market” para veáis a lo que me refiero:
“The growing social investment movement is an important one. Pioneering investors and intermediaries are looking for a blend of financial return and social impact. Socially responsible capital is looking to prove the proposition that you can invest for good. The movement may be embryonic but it has the potential to be a very powerful force for positive change.
In the UK, we are beginning to see the benefits. Social investment is already creating new opportunities for individuals and communities – Big Society Capital’s first year of operation and its first annual report pay testimony to that. However we have only just started on the mission to find better solutions to expensive social challenges. Gradually we are creating more opportunities for civil society to take over assets and deliver services in new and creative ways. Social investment is helping us create the space inside the public sector for the social innovation that we so clearly need. New tools like social impact bonds bring in risk capital on terms that allow public commissioners to try new solutions. New products are emerging, from charity bonds to regional social enterprise funds. New infrastructure is being developed, including a Social Stock Exchange. Interest from an increasingly diverse investor community is growing. We have the opportunity to transform the funding environment for ambitious charities and social enterprises who want to seize these opportunities and grow. Social investment gives them the chance to access long term, affordable finance and move away from hand to mouth funding.
This is an important opportunity and Britain is widely acknowledged to be the world leader in developing it. More and more countries are interested, which is why David Cameron has put it on the agenda of the G8 this year. A number of countries are using the UK’s example to create new social investment infrastructure abroad, and we are building international trade links and sharing best practice. The UK has also created the Department for International Development Impact Programme, which uses a new social investment fund to better support access to affordable goods and services in Africa and Asia, and provides support to build the market infrastructure for impact investment in developing countries.
This short report is designed to update readers on what is happening in the UK to nurture this movement and mobilise this valuable capital. Government has a very important role but cannot act on its own. The progress we have made is the result of collective effort from a small but growing ecosystem of pioneers. Our flagship institution, Big Society Capital, has made a great start but we all know that we still walk in the foothills of an imposing mountain. The short term challenge is building a credible pipeline of things to invest in. Success will require culture change, including long overdue rigour in the way that social outcomes are commissioned and measured.
None of this will happen overnight. However, this report paints a clear picture of market momentum and unwavering commitment from the Government”
Sin duda a las cosas están cambiando y a mejor. Estoy seguro que en los próximos de 10 años nuestra sociedad no se va a parecer en nada a lo que fue hace 10.